
Over the Moon!

I can hardly believe it, but not only are Brett and I legally wed, we've honeymooned, unpacked, and even unwrapped our wedding presents! This whole thing has been a completely incredible experience and if it weren't for the head-cold I'm fighting, I'd think it was all just a dream.

I'll probably do a wedding post or two later on, but I thought it would be fun to share our honeymoon pictures! I took a jillion, so I'll do a post per day to keep it all manageable. Ready to relive last Monday? I sure am!


Our "We've Arrived!" Photo
Okay, technically these first photos are from Sunday when we flew in!

Room Service Breakfast!

Every morning, we took a picture before we started our day.. 

We stayed at the Animal Kingdom Lodge and really loved all the details!

Birdies, outside our resort

The lobby view. It was gorgeous!
Our rocking view!
Monday we went to Downtown Disney to ease into the week.

Ace Ventura Jeep, outside Planet Hollywood where we ate lunch
Brett's "Shining" Face
Me, as close as I'll ever be to Jack Dawson.. Swoon. 
Mickey Pumpkin!


Cinderella Photo Bomb

He's arrived. Build Your Own Light Saber Station

Satisfied with his creation...
Hiding out from the rain for a bit

Pretending to be at a serious business meeting with this mug...


The candy store had the COOLEST candy apples, but we opted out for fear of mega cavities!

Ghirardelli's Chocolate Ice Cream
And finally, waiting for the bus back to the resort.
Monday was a great way to kick off our Disney week. Of course we came home with souvenirs and we ate delicious food at House of Blues. Brett had some fried chicken that was so awesome. If you follow me on Instagram, then you also got a peek of our tasty cocktails

I've been to Downtown Disney several times, but one of the great things about Brett is that everything is better when he's in tow! More honeymoon fun later! 

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