
Victoria's Secret: The Secret To Getting A Gal's Butt Off the Couch

So last night as I was preparing for an evening soak (you're looking at the only adult in the tri-state area who takes regular baths, right here) I got a call from some pals with an invite to come over, drink some wine, and shame ourselves by watching the Victoria's Secret Fashion show. This invitation hit an Amanda "Sweet Spot"- it's free, it involves being extra bitchy, and I can do it in my sweats.

I had already worked out last night, basically controlled myself throughout the day, and treated myself to a bubble bath so I went in pretty optimistic. I left feeling... a little differently. They're beautiful girls, they really are. But man... Did you see Beyonce? Tell me she was not looking more lovely and sexual than any girl up on the runway! She's my idol. I enjoyed the show though. We had a good time watching, DIED when Adam Levine escorted his girlfriend down the stage, and I believe we'll all be meeting at the gym tonight in the vain effort to someday, maybe, whittle our thighs down to the size of one of their torsoes.

Here's a link to a CBS story about it, and few of my favorite photos from last night:

She's my fave! 

Nicki Minaj was looking absolutely fly, per usual.

Also, who was not excited to see Hov come out? Screen shots of Queen B were not far behind.

THIS moment... ugh. 

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