
Being Who You Are

Since I've been blogging and reading lots of blogs from both my friends and people who are now professional bloggers, it's got me thinking how social media has changed our culture and how we've changed how we respond.

I don't have tons of original insight on this particular topic, but I do want to share an article from a blogger that I really admire, Rosetta Thurman.

She discusses social media in the work force, particularly about its use in nonprofit organizations. Her take? Social media is a powerful, useful tool that ought to be welded responsibly.

Another point she drives home? You cannot separate your personal life and your professional life on social media. Most importantly, you shouldn't want to. Read the article, it's great.

Mostly, I just want to put this out there as a discussion point. I know people who have gotten into hairy situations for their online activity. How do you handle your social media activity? Are you facebook friends with your boss? Do you feel comfortable expressing the same opinions at your workplace that you do online? Do you believe in, as Thurman coins it, online integrity?


  1. Interesting article. I'm not facebook friends with my boss or my student research assistants. I friend my students when I'm no longer in a position of power over them (unless I don't like them. It happens.) I do friend my co-workers.

    I haven't thought too much in-depth about why I have that demarcation. It feels right to me. I probably ought to analyze it a bit and figure out why. I might learn something.

    1. I think if it feels naturally to you then that's right. The "who are your facebook friends" question is my own, but I think what Thurman is saying about having a consistent identity on all channels is probably something you practice no matter who your friends are.

  2. Both my Grandma's are my friends on facebook, so I don't always say what I want. I am only friends with one coworker and it is because we were friends prior to working together. I would have to say being different at work and home isn't always a bad thing. When we hang out with Simon's uncle, the CEO of Johnson and Johnson we aren't hanging out with a CEO we are hanging out with an Uncle, I appreciate that, just like the stockholders appreciate market news from a CEO and NOT an uncle. This is why I do NOT friend coworkers. If other people do and can easily balance I think that is great but I am not risking it. Great topic.

    1. I think your thoughts are great because you draw the comparison between real life and "virtual" life. There are some VERY REAL things that you wouldn't say in front of members of your family, because you love and respect them, even when you disagree. I think that posting things online should be no different. Have you heard about all the teenagers who were tweeting about "that N*** Obama being reelected"? They were saying lots of racist things and then when they were called out for it by parents and administrators of their schools- they recanted IMMEDIATELY.


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