
On Hobbies

So this post is a bit of a conglomerate of ideas, but it's stuff I feel is blog worthy and I just want to put together in one post. They're all sort of "hobby" related, so there you go.

Firstly, you might know that I really enjoy crocheting. While I'm still completely a beginner, I have a good time doing it and I know I've gotten better. I thought I would pass along a resource that I used to learn how to crochet. I read lots of tutorials and saw lots of pictures but the tool that finally helped me get the hang of it? YouTube videos. These YouTube videos to be specific. This woman's name is Teresa and she has a blog for every video of stitch that is very specific and very easy to follow. She also does full tutorial videos from start to finish of a project. You can follow along, pause the video, rewind, start over. I found it very helpful and I still pull her channel up when I get confused on a pattern!

Secondly, I've told you about my fitness fairy Rachel and she suggested we try to do the 2012 Runner's World Holiday Running Streak. I'm a complete novice but Rachel is super encouraging and always runs at my pace and walks with me even though she could easily keep going. The idea is to run just one mile everyday, from Thanksgiving day through New Years Day. I think this sounds like a fun, completely achievable challenge. Want to join? Here's a google spreadsheet where we plan to keep track of our progress. Just add your name and log your activity!

Think that running on Christmas Day sounds bonkers? Take your whole family out! Make it a new tradition!

Lastly, that's it. I only have two things. I know that you're supposed to have 3 things or more in a list but I only have two. So.

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